Karuk Tribe - Orleans Health & Wellness Center

  • Land Development
Karuk Tribe - Orleans Health & Wellness Center

Karuk Tribe - Orleans Health & Wellness Center

Client: Karuk Tribe
Funding Source: Karuk Tribe
Project Location: Orleans, CA

Formerly the location of G&R Metals, the City of Eureka purchased the subject site as part of a larger waterfront revitalization and development project in the 1990's.  Due to heavy industrial use over an extended period of the time, the site was found to be contiminated with a number of heavy contaminants.  As part of the revitalization process and subsequent redevelopment, the City of Eureka worked closely with Stantec Environmental Contractors and LACO Associates to remediate the site and return it to a more natural state.  Pacific Affiliates was hired as a sub-consultant to perform a pre-construction subsurface investigation and hydrographic survey of the shoreline at the subject site.  Data collected by Pacific Affiliates was used for pay estimates and quanities as part of of the rehabilitation of said site.

Tasks Performed:

  • R-2 Soils Report
  • Sewage Disposal System Design
  • Archtitectural Design
  • Plan Review
  • Structural Design
  • Structural Inspection
  • Karuk Tribe - Orleans Health & Wellness Center